Category Archives: Austin Grocery

Central Market and tea

Central Market has to be the most fantastic grocery store in the world. We finally went to the one in Austin on Lamar. I have only been to the ones in Dallas in the past and I truly enjoyed the experience there, but I have to admit, that I like the Austin one so much better. Their restaurant is nicer and the store has a more small grocery store feel than the other ones I’ve been to, even though it’s probably just as large.

While I was there last night, I decided I was going to become a tea drinker! I bought some Mighty Leaf Tea to start out my new drinking regime. I was so excited about it, that I even dreamt about how good the tea was going to taste. I thought about it all through my morning routine. Then when it was time to eat, I decided that I would wait until I got to work, so I could show off that I was a tea drinker. I got to work this morning and realized that I had forgotten the tea at home. No tea today. I guess tomorrow I will start the tea drinking!

Whole Foods

Whole Foods on Lamar is by far my favorite grocery shop here in Austin. The photo above is a gingerbread house that they have on display there. Last year, my husband’s family decided that we would make gingerbread houses. I have to go on record and state that none of ours looked remotely like this one. I made one from a kit, so obviously, it was not this elaborate. The only one that even came close was my mother-in-laws and that is only because she hand-made the gingerbread.

I love to go and walk around Whole Foods. There is so much going on and it is like a feast for the eyes to look at all the good food on display! I have gone there for breakfast several times and even eaten there for dinner on occasion. The food is always good!

I have to admit that I rarely grocery shop there, however. I’m not really that picky about everything being organic. I really just like being in the store! They usually have great samples out. Last night, they were sampling brie with some kind of fig jelly. I’m glad we happen to be there!