Monthly Archives: May, 2014

Apartment gardening

One of the things I miss about living in a house is that I don’t have a yard, so I can’t plant a garden.  I don’t really have a green thumb or anything, I just like to pretend!  I’m really lucky though, because my awesome new loft has a great patio.  I decided to use some of my patio space to plant a potted garden.  Right after I planted it, it got cold again, then it rained a lot, so I think that my plants may not make it, but I’m going to keep trying with them.  I planted a jalapeño pepper, squash, flowers, and tomatoes.  I’ve already had a huge harvest on my tomatoes as you will see in the picture!!

20140524-071609-26169364.jpgJalapeño pepper – as you can see there are mushrooms growing in the dirt.  I’m sure that’s from all the rain.

20140524-071610-26170246.jpgThe squash doesn’t look too good.  I read that when it gets yellow, it has too much water.  All the rain must not be good for it.

20140524-071611-26171103.jpgI just thought the red and pink flowers were pretty.  The other ones are left over from my camping trip.


My tomato plan has lots of tomatoes on it. I hope the birds don’t figure it out and start eating them!! 20140524-071612-26172865.jpgMy first harvest!! I may never have to go to the grocery store again!!! lol