Category Archives: Crafts

Storybook Costume Parade 2019

This year’s Storybook Costume Parade was a huge success!! It seems to be growing in the community too, because we had more parents than ever in attendance!! Our office dressed up as 101 Dalmatians, with the best Cruella Deville ever!! Everyone had fun and the younger kids walked away with a TON of candy!!

We made our Dalmatian shirts using the cricut.  Most of us made our ears by buying bunny ears and adding felt dots and a bow.  Of course, we had to have a tutu, because what costume is complete with out one!!  It was an easy costume to make!  

She’s crafty!

I got a cricut for Christmas, so obviously I had to build a craft room. I was having so much fun putting the craft room together that I never used the cricut. I finally got brave enough to try it and now I am totally obsessed! I need shirt ideas so I can continue to make more shirts! Our 4th of July shirts turned out so cute! ❤️❤️❤️