Easy Cowboy Cornbread Casserole

I saw this recipe on Facebook last month and it’s been on my mind ever since.  I’ve been waiting on the weather to get a little cooler since cool weather and cornbread go hand in hand!  I’m pretty sure that this isn’t low carb, but sometimes you have to live a little!  This was well worth the wait!  Where has this been all my life!?


Corn Bread 
2 packages of Mexican Cornbread Mix
1 can of Cream Style Corn
Jalapeño slices

2 lbs Hamburger Meat
2 cans rotel
1 can Ranch Style Beans
Chopped onions
Bag of shredded Cheese

20131006-195340.jpgBrown the ground beef, drain the grease….add ro-tel, onions, and ranch style beans.  Simmer for 10 minutes.


Make the cornbread according to directions on the back of the bag, add Can of Cream of Corn, jalapeños and half of the bag of cheese.20131006-195410.jpg

Grease the bottom of the 8×12 casserole dish.  Pour half of the cornbread mix to the bottom of the pan. 20131006-195424.jpgAdd the meat mixture, then put the other half of the cheese on top.

20131006-195438.jpgCover the meat mixture with the other half of the cornbread mixture.

20131006-195449.jpgCook in the oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or until you can poke a toothpick in the middle and not get any mix on it.

20131006-195459.jpgServe and eat!

37 responses

  1. Whoa! This blolg looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a entirely different subject but it has pretty muich the same layout and design. Superb
    choice of colors!

  2. That looks real good and easy. Gonna try.

  3. how many eggs and how much milk?

    1. I don’t remember off hand, but it will tell you on the box of cornbread. 🙂

    2. what the package calls for

  4. do you drain the rotel and ranch style beans?

    1. It’s been a while since I made this, but I don’t think I did. I’m almost sure I didn’t drain the rotel, but I might have drained the beans.

  5. Is this spicy with the 2 cans of rotel? I know the jalapeños will add spice.

    1. I like things spicy, but I don’t remember thinking it was too hot.

    2. You can use the Mild Rotel.

    3. You can get the regular rotel and not the hot

  6. What size bag of cheese, there are different sizes.

  7. recipe says bag of cheese…what size bag? How much cheese?

  8. How much cheese?

  9. My comment is I will fix some of this ;

  10. That’s all you are going to get , like it or not .

  11. I made this and my family loves it. The only thing I would do different is use American cheese or mix it half and half.

  12. Drain beans or Rotel?

  13. I made this tonight and it was really good. I had to leave out those darn jalapenos so the kids would eat it. But, it was yum yum. I blogged about it here. Thanks for the inspiration. I had been looking for this recipe and could not remember what it was called. http://dreamwithgod.blogspot.com/2014/12/kid-approved-cowboy-cornbread-casserole.html

  14. What size pan did you use?

  15. This recipe is confusing. It calls for eggs and milk yet there is no call for either in the directions. I’m assuming it depends on which corn bread mix you use. Mine doesn’t call for either. Also, what size cornbread mix? I can get two 8oz boxes of Jiffy or 1 15oz bag of Marie Callenders or Krusteaz (my favorites.) Please advise as I don’t want to make too much cornbread. I’m leaving out anything hot or spicy, including the Ro-Tel. Nobody at that store even knew what it was. haha. We had to google it.

    1. I just used the single bag of cornbread. I made the cornbread according to the recipe on the back. If your cornbread doesn’t need eggs or milk, you don’t have to use either. Mine was the Mexican cornbread and it called for both. I would think the 15 oz bag would be better than the Jiffy ones but I think I used the 6 ounce one. You would definitely want to get 2 if you went with the Jiffy though.

      I can’t believe no one at the store knew what Rotel was!! LOL! It’s a staple in my recipes!! It’s really big in Texas!:)

  16. Timely reply dazed66. I was just about to begin and thought I’d check here first. So I’ll use 1 15oz bag of cornbread and 1 package of ground round. I think two would be too much for little ol’ me. Unfortunately I don’t live in Texas anymore or else the clerks would’ve been more helpful. LOL. Thanks!

    1. 9X12 casserole dish AT LEAST people. Too late for me this time. Geez. Who wrote this recipe?

  17. g2-a23943dd974f4c08e759e4f3ff31cbc5 | Reply

    So, I made this last night and it is amazing. We changed a couple things and will change a couple things for net time. We used kidney beans and used 1 can of hot rotel and 1 can of original. Not using ranch style like the recipe calls for made the meat just a bit bland. I like the firmer bean though, so net time I’m going to try a single pouch of taco mix. Also the use of the can of hot rotel made it to hot for my girlfriend. And we are cheese heads so we are going to double the cheese. OH! And we cooked it in a 10″ cast iron dutch oven with the lid off. It turned out great.

  18. You can also use sausage instead of ground chuck or maybe mix together . This is basically the way I make my Mexican Cornbread. The only thing I do different is use self rising cornmeal mix and not packaged cornbread mix. I also ad 1/2 cup of oil to 1 1 1/2 cups cornmeal mix. and two eggs, 1 cup of butter milk or plain milk. It is delicious. I do not add Rotel to my Mexican Cornbread, I do add jalapeno pepper. 1 can cream style corn.

  19. This recipe is a deriviation of an old recipe. Sunset Books published it and it was called Tamale Pie. It goes back to the 1970s and I made it for my family many times.

    1. Oh yes! Tamale Pie! Not exactly like this but very similar. Grew up on it and after 33 years of marriage made it for the first time for dear hubby! He loved it! Can’t believe I didn’t rely on this for a favorite when raising my kids!

  20. Has anyone tried this with 1lb of ground beef? 2lb seems like a lot of meat for an 8×12 pan..

    1. @ Barbarito: If you want to prepare this for yourself, you can just use half of each ingredient. I do this all the time, since I don’t want to have to eat I over & over! If you do fix half the recipe, I’m sure it would freeze very well. I always use the cheap-o freezer bags, divide what I don’t eat up into personal-size portions, & put the bags into a plastic freezer container. I date the bags concerning what it is & when I prepared it! This is a great way to prepare regular recipes, when you’re not cooking for several people. Hope this is of some help to you!

  21. I used ground turkey and made my own cornbread without the salt. I drained the ranch style beans and the rotel, but I save the rotel juice and had to use some of it to make the meat mixture ‘wet’ enough. I am on low sodium diet and it worked out great!!!

  22. […] Ringo, found this one for ya. You might like it, it's called Cowboy cornbread. Easy Cowboy Cornbread Casserole | Back in Dallas […]

  23. I don’t like jalapeños so I use Green chili’s. Canned or frozen. We’ve been making this for 20 or more years and it’s delicious.

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